Sunday, March 27, 2011

Um boom ba bay

Before bodyjam classes, and pole dancing, and latin dancing, and (just very recently) belly dancing, i was already engaged with a little bit of dancing, which i fondly call the dorky dance steps.

In the privacy of the four corners of my room, the books temporarily cleared off the floor for more space, i would put on my earphones and dance.


I generally would dance the dorky dance steps with any music, but there’s always been a favorite --- Queen and David Bowie’s Under Pressure

Hard day? Um boom ba bay….ba ba boom ba be be….

Another misuderstanding with mom? Um boom ba bay….ba ba boom ba be be….

I didn’t get an A in Taxation (uhm, well, who did?) Um boom ba bay….ba ba boom ba be be….

The dense crush didn’t even know I existed? Um boom ba bay….ba ba boom ba be be….

Geeky steps, awkward arms, even more awkward legs…a lot of hair tossing, even during the time i barely had any hair left on my head!

And just like that --- everything seemed better again. The world made perfect sense again and things were as they should be…

Last night, while watching It’s Kind of a Funny Story, I heard the song again and off I go —

With all the dance classes I’ve been attending, nice to know I could still do the dorky dance steps, switch it up with a little mambo and hiphop, back to dorky dance steps.

Yes, some things do change, but some, stay forever.

Um boom ba bay….ba ba boom ba be be….Cheers!

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